Combined Pack of ‘Survival Courses’ eBooks in 30 different languages


Each course consists of approximately 200 words which can be learned in an astonishing 2-3 hours – far faster than normal learning speed. The courses will enable you to learn an amazing amount of targeted useful words in a wide range of languages.

Linkword ‘Survival Courses’ eBooks are text only courses without sound, and are available to download immediately after payment.

The pack includes the following languages:

Arabic, Cantonese, Chinese (Mandarin), Czech, Danish, Dutch, Finnish, French, German, Greek, Hebrew, Hindi (Urdu), Hungarian, Indonesian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Malay, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Spanish (European), Spanish (S. American), Swahili, Swedish, Thai, Turkish and Welsh.

Individual Survival Courses


Each course consists of approximately 200 words which can be learned in an astonishing 2-3 hours – far faster than normal learning speed. The courses will enable you to learn an amazing amount of targeted useful words in a wide range of languages.

The following languages are available to download individually.

Arabic, Cantonese, Czech, Danish, Finnish, Hindi (Urdu), Hungarian, Indonesian, Korean, Malay, Norwegian, Romanian, Swahili, Swedish, Thai and Turkish.

The Linkword ‘Survival Courses’ eBooks contain over 200 words per course. The average school pupil learns about 200 words in a year!!

The courses use well-established memory techniques which vastly improve our ability to remember foreign words without tedious repetition. It will take you only a minute or two to prove this to yourself with the examples and demos shown below for each language.

Each course consists of approximately 200 words which can be learned in an astonishing 2-3 hours – far faster than normal learning speed. The courses will enable you to learn an amazing amount of targeted useful words in a wide range of languages.

The courses are ideal for the traveller, student or businessperson who wants to rapidly acquire an extensive vocabulary to help overcome that feeling of isolation one has when travelling to a country without knowing the language.

Some of the words you will learn such as HELP, DOCTOR or AMBULANCE might even save your life.

Linkword ‘Survival Courses’ eBooks are text only courses without sound, and are available to download immediately after payment.

How the courses work

Below are some examples from different languages of how the courses work.

You will be shown a series of words to learn using the Linkword method. It is VERY IMPORTANT that you picture each image in your mind’s eye for at least 10 seconds or the words will not fix in your memory as well as they should.

You will be amazed at your ability to remember most of the words if you picture the images well.

The Arabic for COFFEE is GAUAWAH
Imagine that you GO AWAY for COFFEE

The Cantonese for SOUP is TON
Imagine that you drink a TON of SOUP

The Chinese (Mandarin) for BOSS is LAU BAN
Imagine you hear a LOUD BANG and your BOSS vanishes

The Czech for SALT is SUL
Imagine that you sold your SOUL for a packet of SALT

The Danish for CHEESE is OST
Imagine an OSTrich eating CHEESE

Imagine you eat a CHAMPION MUSHROOM

The Finnish for FISH is KALA
Imagine your FISH looks a funny COLOR

Imagine your HAIRY SON looks like a HEDGEHOG

The German for BOTTLE is FLASCHE
Imagine a BOTTLE FLASHing past your head

The Greek for WATER is NEROH
Imagine NERO drinking WATER while Rome burns

The Hebrew word for COW is PARA
Imagine a COW descending from the sky in a PARAchute

The Hindi for RICE is CHAVUL
Imagine that you SHOVEL RICE onto a truck

The Hungarian for WATER is VIZ
Imagine you need a VISA to buy WATER

The Indonesian for BREAD is ROTI
Imagine you watch BREAD ROTTING

The Italian for BIRD is UCCELLO
Imagine the conductor in an animal orchestra saying to a BIRD. YOU CELLO, me conductor.”

The Japanese for SHORTS is HAN ZUBON
Imagine my HANDS UPON your SHORTS

The Korean for CHICKEN is TAK
Imagine a CHICKEN filled with TACKS

The Malay for COCONUT is KELAPA
Imagine that when you CLAP, A coconut falls on your head

The Norwegian for WATER is VANN
Imagine a VAN brings you water every day

The Polish for CAT is KOT
Imagine a CAT in a COT

The Portuguese for RICE is ARROZ
Imagine ARROWS landing in your plate of RICE

The Romanian for JAM is GEM
Imagine you find a rare GEM in your JAM

The Russian for JUICE is SOK
Imagine drinking JUICE through a SOCK

The Spanish for RICE is ARROZ
Imagine ARROWS landing in your plate of RICE

The Swahili for TROUT is PAPA
Imagine your PAPA catching a TROUT

The Swedish for MUSHROOM is SVAMP
Imagine a large MUSHROOM growing in a SWAMP

The Thai for DUCK is PEH(t)
Imagine you love to chase your PET DUCK

The Turkish for MILK is SÜT
Imagine that you spill MILK on your SUIT

The Welsh for CHEESE is CAWS
Imagine COWS producing CHEESE