Free MP3 Audio Courses

FOR ONE WEEK ONLY - FREE Complete Library Of All 14 Linkword MP3 Audio Courses worth £49.99

French, Spanish (European), Spanish (Latin American), Italian, German. Portuguese (European), Portuguese (Brazilian), Greek, Welsh, Russian, Dutch, Mandarin, Japanese and Hebrew.

Over 200 hours of lessons

Our published research shows that Linkword audio courses teach at up to three times faster than normal learning methods.

TRUSTPILOT RATING EXCELLENT, Highest % of 5* ratings of all major Language publishers

MP3 Audio courses will play on all devices that support MP3, including MP3 players, Laptops, PCs, Macs, Tablets (Android and iPad) and Smartphones (Android and iPhone).

Listen to a demo of the MP3 Audio Course

Get the FREE MP3 Audio courses

GreekWe hope you enjoyed the Greek course demo above and found the Linkword method engaging, enjoyable and effective.

The demo is a good representation of how a Linkword course is actually structured and presented.

You are taught sections of vocabulary using the Linkword association method. Vocabulary is also presented audibly, spoken by a native speaker.

You then have the opportunity to test yourself by typing in answers to consolidate what you have learned.

You are also taught basic grammar, which becomes more advanced as you progress through the course.

You are also presented with sentences which bring together the vocabulary and grammar you have learned, and like with the vocabulary sections, you then have the opportunity to test yourself by typing in answers to consolidate what you have learned.

Click here to see the Table of Contents, Main Grammar Points and Vocabulary taught

The Linkword Greek Levels 1-2 course is ideal for TRAVEL, BUSINESS and SCHOOLWORK, and is an ideal as a backup for those attending evening classes.

By the time you finish, you with be able to speak, understand and read in a wide variety of situations you will meet abroad.

There are 2 versions of the course available: a Software version and a MP3 Audio talking book version. Both versions have the same content, and both are equally effective in teaching you. Which you choose will depend on your personal preference and whether for example you like learning while out walking, driving etc..

Software courses will run on a PC/Laptop (Windows 95, 98, ME, 2000, XP, Vista, and versions 7-11) and on Macs (all Mac OS X versions).

MP3 Audio courses will play on all devices that support MP3, including MP3 players, Laptops, PCs, Macs, Tablets (Android and iPad) and Smartphones (Android and iPhone).

Android courses are compatible with version 2.3 upwards, including the ‘Kindle Fire’.

Devices iconLinkword Greek Beginners+ Levels 1-2 Software Course


This package contains the Levels 1-2 PC & Mac Software courses and App for your Android Tablet/Smartphone/Kindle Fire.

Software courses will run on a PC/Laptop (Windows 95, 98, ME, 2000, XP, Vista, and versions 7-11) and on Macs (all Mac OS X versions).

HeadphonesLinkword Greek Beginners+ Levels 1-2 MP3 Audio Course


This package contains the Levels 1-2 MP3 Audio course, which plays approximately 11 hours of recording.

Listen to a demo of the MP3 course

MP3 Audio courses will play on all devices that support MP3, including MP3 players, Laptops, PCs, Macs, Tablets (Android and iPad) and Smartphones (Android and iPhone).

Special OfferComplete Library Of All Linkword Courses


The retail price for all these courses is £712, so this offer is a huge saving of over £650.

This package contains Linkword PC and Mac Software courses and Apps for your Android Tablet, Smartphone or Kindle Fire and MP3 Audio versions in the following languages:

Chinese Mandarin (Level 1), Dutch (Levels 1-2), French (Levels 1-4), German (Levels 1-4), Greek (Levels 1-2), Hebrew (Level 1), Italian (Levels 1-4), Japanese (Level 1), Portuguese Brazilian (Levels 1-3), Portuguese European (Levels 1-3), Russian (Levels 1-2), Spanish European (Levels 1-4), Spanish Latin American (Levels 1-4), Welsh (Levels 1-2).

You will also receive the Combined Pack of ‘Survival Courses’ eBooks in 30 different languages.

Each Survival course consists of approximately 200 words which can be learned in an astonishing 2-3 hours – far faster than normal learning speed. The courses will enable you to learn an amazing amount of targeted useful words in a wide range of languages. Arabic, Cantonese, Chinese (Mandarin), Czech, Danish, Dutch, Finnish, French, German, Greek, Hebrew, Hindi (Urdu), Hungarian, Indonesian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Malay, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Spanish (European), Spanish (S. American), Swahili, Swedish, Thai, Turkish and Welsh.

You will also receive 2 eBooks on Memory Improvement co-authored by Dr Michael Gruneberg, the author of Linkword language courses.

Linkword works for good and poor language learners alike, including those who are dyslexic - whatever your past experience of language learning

“Dyslexic students who study languages have difficulties hearing sounds, connecting those sounds to letters, sounding out words and memorizing new vocabulary. They also struggle more in reading and writing activities”. (Google)

Linkword deals with the problem that dyslexic learners have with the sound of foreign words by making very strong links between the English word and another English word that sounds like the foreign word to be remembered (the Linkword). This acts as a stepping stone to remembering the foreign word. Very quickly the Linkword drops out leaving the learner knowing the foreign word.

  More information about Linkword for dyslexic and poor learners

Reviews & Testimonials:

  • The most entertaining language tutor of all. It works and it’s fun
    The Guardian
  • It took 12 hours to teach a regime that normally takes 40 hours
    Personnel Manager, Thomson Holidays (in interview with the Financial Times)
  • The success rate was conspicuous. The pupils developed a very high level of motivation for language learning as they could see very rapid progress and they remembered rather difficult vocabulary for a long period of time using the imagery
    Steffen Sommer, Head of Modern Languages, Rugby School
  • In summary I think Linkword German is one of the best and most comprehensive German courses on the market, so I’d highly recommend it. I’ve learned more German in the last 6 months than I did in my entire time at high school, so I think that speaks volumes about the quality of this course
    Neil Kendall Languages
  • I am dyslexic. A few years ago, I found ‘Linkword’, I started to learn Spanish and it is absolutely fabulous. My husband does it with me and we both love it. It has to be one of the easiest ways of learning a language in the world. I run the British Dyslexia Centre and have told many parents about this way of teaching languages
    Maria Chivers, British Dyslexia Centre
  • What you have is something no other language software offers.
    Yangok Chu, East Los Angeles Community College Modern Languages/ESL Language Lab
  • Try the free demo for yourself. You will be amazed at how easy learning becomes
    Splash Magazines
  • With Linkword you can learn 200 words in a day without too much trouble
    Tim Ferriss, Author of 3 New York Times No 1 best sellers on fast learning methods
  • Linkword selected as a Google success story
  • Linkword definitely boosted pupil self-esteem
    Times Education Supplement January 2003
  • What do we recommend for (language course) starters? We have a very confident answer to the question. We recommend Linkword. The courses are highly appreciated by the learners – quite simply, it gives results. We call results an ability to read, speak, and understand the language in simple terms after 15 – 20 hours
    Michael Woodhall, Director Language Learning, Manchester Business School
  • Now you really can learn a language
    Daily Mail
  • I tried the course out in both German and French and was amazed at how quickly it worked
    Jan McCann Toronto Sun
  • A simple new way to increase your foreign language vocabulary… Samakah means fish. You can remember that by imagining trying to smack a fish. Smack. Samakah. Smack. Samakah. Yes, you’re learning Arabic one word at a time
    Nada El Sawy, Newsweek
  • Unforgettable Memory Joggers
    Sunday Times
  • In the end of term result, the average mark with a conventional approach was 23.75%. This rose to 69% using the Linkword course
    Vernon Thomas. Head of Languages, Bishop Vaughan School Swansea
  • As a dyslexic person I was astonished at how quick, easy, effective and enjoyable the Linkword system is. The website says that, with Linkword, people can learn up to 3 times more quickly than with conventional methods. I would say that with my dyslexic condition I have actually learned even more quickly than that
    Andrew Glynn, Brixton
  • I started using the Linkword programmes in 2007 prior to spending two years working in Japan. The software was easy to use and helped me to quickly gain a useful working vocabulary in the Japanese language in very little time. Linkword is truly a revolutionary product
    Michael Westwood, Port Operations Assistant, Ponant Cruise Company, Marseille, France
  • Bought the bundle. Been using linkword since I first spotted the books back in the 80s . Since I was already a bit of a mnemonist, it was a no-brainer. Best language method ever
    Allan Dunn
  • I believe this is the best language course out there. So far I have used the Spanish and French app and I look forward to trying others. It’s easy to use. I can’t recommend it highly enough. Have a go and you’ll see why
    TonyF 1888
  • The best language learning software I’ve tried. Having spent hundreds of pounds on Rosetta Stone and Pimsleur this software is pure gold to the language student. Linkword really does work! No rote method required, no endlessly repeating verbs and nouns to find the next day you’ve forgotten them
  • A fun and easy way to learn a language, this is fourth language purchased from link word. Help from developers if needed is fast and prompt. I’m able to converse and be understood. Cannot recommend enough
    Dizzy Deem
  • I have had difficulty reading and spelling all my life as I suffer from dyslexia, which means I find it hard to remember and retain knowledge. To my amazement it was working for me, the course builds up a word by word knowledge and sentences. I can certainly highly recommend this course to anyone I’m totally hooked
    Peter Gozzie
  • I have just discovered Linkword and I am Dyslexic. After a few hours of using the system I found it was very helpful. The Visual layout and color use is most effective for me
    Lee Slaughter from LATG website
  • What is not to like …. A Win Win situation. I cannot recommend this approach to teaching and learning highly enough. If you find absorbing and retaining new information challenging …this course is for you. If you need learning to be fun and stimulating.. this course is for you. This is the best form of language teaching I have experienced… ever ..and I have been working within the education system for over 40 years. I personally have been diagnosed as having moderate dyslexia and found learning a foreign language extremely difficult. Linkword language has transformed my ability to understand , recall and confidently use the French I have studied . As I have said at the outset of this review a Win Win experience.
    Trustpilot Review 05/12/2022

Other Linkword Courses:

Improve Your Memory: How to Cure your Memory Failures eBook

In this eBook, two of the world’s leading memory experts risk their reputations by describing their most embarrassing memory failures. Using an entirely novel approach, they show the causes of these memory failures, how they have learned to avoid them – and how you can do the same.

Your Memory Is Better Than You Think eBook

Many popular books have been written on memory. Almost all of these tell the user how to improve their memory, and they all give advice that works. Thus, while this book will also show you how you can use memory aids and memory devices to improve your memory for names, faces, foreign languages, ideas, examinations and many other useful tasks, it does much more than this.

'Survival Course’ eBooks in 30 different languages

Travel the world with our survival course package so no matter where you are in these countries you will have enough to get by, to call for help, understand a menu and much more.

Arabic, Cantonese, Chinese (Mandarin), Czech, Danish, Dutch, Finnish, French, German, Greek, Hebrew, Hindi (Urdu), Hungarian, Indonesian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Malay, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Spanish (European), Spanish (S. American), Swahili, Swedish, Thai, Turkish and Welsh.